In 2018 I set off for a 11 day campout in Newquay as a volunteer.
Hired on my second day and I got to return in 2019 to paint up visuals I designed for Boardmasters Beach Bar.
In 2018 I set off for a 11 day campout in Newquay as a volunteer.
Hired on my second day and I got to return in 2019 to paint up visuals I designed for Boardmasters Beach Bar.
I put myself forward to paint up 2 identical 5m tall stage pillars.
I put myself forward to paint up 2 identical 5m tall stage pillars.
I was helping paint or refurbish stage signs.
I got to paint up various logos across the festival.
I also got to paint my own visuals on chalkboard for Keg & Pasty stage set up.
Thanks to Hazel Spencer Chapman (2019) & Decordia Events (2018) for trusting me.